The Weatherings

© Lindy and Martin Lovegrove 2012

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Just some of the family pets that have shared our lives over the years....

Family Pets

Judy - our long- haired Dachshund.  She hurt her back falling from a bridge when we lived in Hong Kong, and used a trolley to get about.

A younger Judy with Poakey-sing, a kitten I rescued in Hong Kong.  

Jenny with Poakey-sing,   

Jenny and Sam with Suzy (pup-pup)  our boxer dog in Hong Kong.

Sooty - another of our dogs in Hong Kong.  

Me with Suzy - after she had won an obedience class in a dog show. We were on Telly and famous!  

Midge was a black and white cat that lived with Grandma and Grandad in Bexley

Another picture of our dear old lady Suzy (pup-pup).

John’s old dog Judy - famous in the family for escaping - and for making Grandma utter the phrase (repeatedly) ‘Gates open - dog’s gone!’

Sam’s cat - Bean

Josie Mutt - our pokey nosed bat- eared mutt!

Some of our Pashtacat cats.  

Mum’s old Bernese mountain dog - Alfie  

Mum’s Mickey - a very naughty labradoddle!

A very young piglet we found on a back road near Gooderstone. He was eventually returned to his owner.

Buboo and Bella - our two Eagle Owls.

Perri Parrot - a very talkative bird indeed.

Eric now belongs to John - but was originally Sam’s much loved parrot.

Mickey and Jenny’s dog - Fraggles

Martin with Christopher’s new cat - Kitty

Cookie - a very grumpy Maine Coon cat!

Jenny’s Suzy - a standard Poodle.

Our Perri

Mum’s Jemima Puddle Duck.

Me and Suzy - a totally mad boxer!

Vicki and Freda - two sheep that Jenny and I had in New Zealand!

Jenny with Jason - outside our house in Hong Kong.


Sam with Bean

A very young Sooty in Hong Kong.

John with Sophie

Mum’s Misty

John and Pat’s cat Filou - which was one of Vicki’s kittens.

Mums Mishka.

Jenny’s Fraggles and Mum’s Mickey playing in the garden.

Vicki and her lamb - Wonk!

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