Manufacturer: Abrahams Devonport

Postally used 1937

Postally used 2 April 1910.

Card reads - The sinking of HMS Audacious in the Irish Sea by a German Mine during the Great War - 1914.

Not postally used.

Postcard number: 2251

Not postally used.

Postally used 15 April 1914. Writen to his mother by 'Jack' who had just joined the ship.

Postcard number: 2445

Not postally used.

Not postally used.

Not postally used.

This card, although printed as HMS Powerful, has the legend "No Terrible" enscribed on the reverse. As HMS Terrible and HMS Powerful were sister ships, they were very similar. Can anyone confirm which ship this is?

Not postally used.

Not postally used.

Postcard number: 1571

Not postally used.

Not postally used.

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