Navy |
Name |
French Military Ship |
Danton |
Démocratie |
France |
Jauréguiberry |
Paris |
Republique |
Royal Navy |
HM Mine-Sweeper Senator |
HM Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert |
HM Submarine A1 |
HM Submarine A2 |
HM Submarine A3 |
HM Submarine Affray |
HM Submarine C31 |
HM Submarine C32 |
HM Submarine D7 |
HM Submarine E1 |
HM Submarine E2 |
HM Submarine E6 |
HM Submarine H.47 |
HM Submarine J1 |
HM Submarine No 1 (Holland 1) |
HM Submarine No 2 |
HM Submarine No 3 |
HM Submarine No 4 |
HM Submarine No 5 |
HM Submarine No A8 |
HM Submarine No B5 |
HM Submarine No D1 |
HM Submarine Oberon |
HM Submarine Osiris |
HM Submarine Sunfish |
HM Submarine Urge |
HM Torpedo Boat No 110 |
HM Torpedo Boat No 98 |
HM Training Ship Northampton |
HM Tug St Genny |
HMD Dove |
HMNZS New Zealand |
HMS Aboukir |
HMS Achilles |
HMS Active |
HMS Adventure |
HMS Africa |
HMS Agamemnon 1877-1903 |
HMS Agamemnon 1906-1927 |
HMS Ajax 1880-1904 |
HMS Ajax 1913-1924 |
HMS Ajax 1934-1949 |
HMS Albermarle (Albemarle) |
HMS Albion |
HMS Algiers |
HMS Amazon |
HMS Amphion |
HMS Amphitrite |
HMS Andromache |
HMS Andromeda |
HMS Anson |
HMS Antelope |
HMS Antrim |
HMS Aphis |
HMS Apollo |
HMS Archer |
HMS Argus |
HMS Argyll |
HMS Ariadne |
HMS Ark Royal |
HMS Ark Royal 1938-1941 |
HMS Asia |
HMS Attentive |
HMS Audacious |
HMS Aurora |
HMS Australia |
HMS Bacchante |
HMS Barfleur |
HMS Barham |
HMS Barrosa |
HMS Bedford |
HMS Bellerophon |
HMS Bellona |
HMS Benbow 1885-1909 |
HMS Benbow 1914-1931 |
HMS Berwick |
HMS Birmingham 1914-1931 |
HMS Birmingham 1937-1960 |
HMS Black Prince |
HMS Blanche 1909-1921 |
HMS Blenheim |
HMS Blonde |
HMS Boadicea |
HMS Brilliant |
HMS Bristol |
HMS Britannia |
HMS Britannia 1869-1916 |
HMS Bulldog |
HMS Bullfinch |
HMS Bulwark |
HMS Buzzard |
HMS Cadmus |
HMS Caesar |
HMS Cairo |
HMS Caledon |
HMS Calliope |
HMS Campania |
HMS Canada |
HMS Canopus |
HMS Canterbury |
HMS Caradoc |
HMS Carysfort |
HMS Castor |
HMS Centaur |
HMS Centurion |
HMS Ceres |
HMS Challenger |
HMS Champion |
HMS Charybdis |
HMS Chester |
HMS Cleopatra |
HMS Cochrane |
HMS Collingwood |
HMS Colossus |
HMS Commonwealth |
HMS Conqueror |
HMS Constance |
HMS Contest |
HMS Conway |
HMS Cordelia |
HMS Cornwall |
HMS Cornwallis |
HMS Cossack 1907-1919 |
HMS Cossack 1937-1941 |
HMS Courageous |
HMS Crescent |
HMS Cressy |
HMS Crusader |
HMS Cumberland |
HMS Curacoa |
HMS Curlew |
HMS Cyclops |
HMS Dartmouth |
HMS Dasher |
HMS Dauntless |
HMS Decoy |
HMS Defence |
HMS Defiance |
HMS Delhi |
HMS Devonshire |
HMS Diadem |
HMS Diamond |
HMS Diana |
HMS Dido |
HMS Dominion |
HMS Donegal |
HMS Doris |
HMS Dorsetshire |
HMS Dragon |
HMS Drake |
HMS Dreadnought |
HMS Dryad |
HMS Duke of Edinburgh |
HMS Duncan |
HMS Dunedin |
HMS Durban |
HMS Eagle |
HMS Earnest |
HMS Edgar |
HMS Effingham |
HMS Emerald |
HMS Emperor of India 1912-1931 |
HMS Empress of India 1891-1913 |
HMS Enchantress |
HMS Endeavour |
HMS Endymion |
HMS Erebus |
HMS Erin |
HMS Escort |
HMS Essex |
HMS Europa |
HMS Euryalus |
HMS Exeter |
HMS Exmouth |
HMS Express |
HMS Falmouth |
HMS Fame 1896-1921 |
HMS Fearless |
HMS Fearless 1911-1921 |
HMS Fierce |
HMS Flirt |
HMS Flying Fish |
HMS Foresight |
HMS Forester |
HMS Formidable |
HMS Forte |
HMS Forth |
HMS Forward |
HMS Foxhound |
HMS Frobisher |
HMS Furious |
HMS Furious 1898-1923 |
HMS Fury |
HMS Garry |
HMS Ghurka |
HMS Gibraltar |
HMS Gladiator |
HMS Glasgow |
HMS Glorious |
HMS Glory |
HMS Gloucester |
HMS Goliath |
HMS Good Hope |
HMS Gorgon |
HMS Gossamer |
HMS Grafton |
HMS Grenade |
HMS Grey Wolf |
HMS Greyhound |
HMS Grimsby |
HMS Gypsy |
HMS Hampshire |
HMS Hannibal |
HMS Harpy |
HMS Hawke |
HMS Hawkins |
HMS Hazard |
HMS Heliotrope |
HMS Hercules |
HMS Hermes |
HMS Hermione |
HMS Hibernia |
HMS Highflyer |
HMS Hind |
HMS Hindostan |
HMS Hindustan |
HMS Hogue (HMS Hague) |
HMS Hood |
HMS Howe 1940-1957 |
HMS Hunter |
HMS Hussar |
HMS Hyacinth |
HMS Icarus |
HMS Illustrious |
HMS Implacable |
HMS Indefatigable |
HMS Indomitable |
HMS Intrepid |
HMS Invincible (V) |
HMS Iphigenia |
HMS Iron Duke |
HMS Irresistible |
HMS Isis |
HMS Jaseur |
HMS Juno |
HMS Jupiter |
HMS Kale |
HMS Kangaroo |
HMS Kent |
HMS King Alfred |
HMS King Edward VII |
HMS King George V |
HMS Laertes |
HMS Laforey |
HMS Lancaster |
HMS Lance |
HMS Lark |
HMS Latona |
HMS Laurel |
HMS Lawford |
HMS Leander |
HMS Leda |
HMS Leonidas |
HMS Leopard |
HMS Leviathan |
HMS Liberty |
HMS Lily |
HMS Lion |
HMS Liverpool |
HMS Lizard |
HMS Loch Veyatie |
HMS London 1902-1920 |
HMS London 1927-1950 |
HMS Lord Nelson |
HMS Lucia |
HMS Lysander |
HMS Magnificent |
HMS Majestic |
HMS Malaya |
HMS Maori |
HMS Marathon |
HMS Marazion |
HMS Marlborough |
HMS Mars |
HMS Marshal Ney |
HMS Martin |
HMS Medway |
HMS Menace |
HMS Mermaid |
HMS Minotaur |
HMS Mohawk |
HMS Monarch |
HMS Monmouth 1903-1914 |
HMS Montagu |
HMS Moon |
HMS Naiad 1889-1922 |
HMS Naiad 1939-1942 |
HMS Narcissus |
HMS Natal |
HMS Neptune 1909-1922 |
HMS Neptune 1933-1941 |
HMS New Zealand |
HMS New Zealandia |
HMS Newcastle |
HMS Newfoundland |
HMS Niger |
HMS Niobe |
HMS Norfolk |
HMS Norseman |
HMS Nubian |
HMS Oak |
HMS Ocean |
HMS Onyx |
HMS Orion |
HMS Osprey |
HMS Ottawa (RCN) |
HMS Owl |
HMS Pactolus |
HMS Padstow Bay |
HMS Pangbourne |
HMS Pathfinder |
HMS Patrol |
HMS Pegasus |
HMS Pelorus |
HMS Peterel |
HMS Phoebe |
HMS Phoenix |
HMS Pioneer |
HMS Powerful |
HMS Prince George |
HMS Princess Margaret |
HMS Princess Royal |
HMS Privet - Q Ship |
HMS Psyche |
HMS Puffin |
HMS Queen |
HMS Queen Elizabeth |
HMS Queen Mary |
HMS Ramillies |
HMS Ranger |
HMS Ranpura |
HMS Rattleship |
HMS Renard |
HMS Renown 1895-1914 |
HMS Renown 1916-1948 |
HMS Repulse |
HMS Resolution |
HMS Restless |
HMS Revenge 1892-1919 |
HMS Revenge 1915-1948 |
HMS Rochester |
HMS Rocket |
HMS Rodney |
HMS Rosalind |
HMS Rowena |
HMS Roxburgh |
HMS Royal Arthur |
HMS Royal Oak 1892-1914 |
HMS Royal Oak 1914-1939 |
HMS Royal Sovereign (IV) |
HMS Royal Sovereign (V) |
HMS Russell |
HMS Salmon |
HMS Sapphire |
HMS Scorpion |
HMS Scythe |
HMS Seawolf |
HMS Sentinel |
HMS Shannon |
HMS Sheldrake |
HMS Simoom 1918-1931 |
HMS Skirmisher |
HMS Snapdragon 1915-1934 |
HMS Snapper |
HMS Solebay |
HMS Somersetshire |
HMS Southampton |
HMS Spartiate |
HMS Speedy 1893-1914 |
HMS Spey (P.38) |
HMS Spiteful |
HMS Spitfire |
HMS St. Vincent |
HMS Star |
HMS Superb |
HMS Sutlej (HMS Sutlez) |
HMS Swift |
HMS Swiftsure |
HMS Syren |
HMS Tadoussac |
HMS Talbot |
HMS Tamar |
HMS Tara |
HMS Taurus |
HMS Teazer |
HMS Tedworth |
HMS Temeraire |
HMS Terrible |
HMS Tetrarch |
HMS Teviot |
HMS Thames |
HMS Theseus |
HMS Thunderer 1877-1909 |
HMS Thunderer 1911-1926 |
HMS Tiger 1900-1908 |
HMS Tiger 1912-1932 |
HMS Tigress |
HMS Titania |
HMS Topaze |
HMS Tower |
HMS Trinidad |
HMS Triumph |
HMS Truant |
HMS Umpire |
HMS Undaunted |
HMS Valiant |
HMS Vanguard 1910-1917 |
HMS Vanguard 1944-1960 |
HMS Vanoc |
HMS Vanquisher |
HMS Vega |
HMS Venerable |
HMS Vengeance |
HMS Venus |
HMS Verity |
HMS Victorious |
HMS Victory |
HMS Vindictive (HMS Cavendish) |
HMS Vindictive 1897-1918 |
HMS Violent |
HMS Vivacious |
HMS Vixen |
HMS Vulcan |
HMS Vulture |
HMS Wallace |
HMS Walrus |
HMS Warrior |
HMS Warrior 1944-1971 |
HMS Warspite 1913-1947 |
HMS Watchman |
HMS Waveney |
HMS Wear |
HMS Welland |
HMS Whirlwind 1917-1940 |
HMS Whirlwind 1943-1974 |
HMS Winchelsea |
HMS Wolfhound |
HMS Woodlark 1871-1887 |
HMS Woolwich |
HMS Wren 1923-1940 |
HMS Wren 1942-1956 |
HMS Wryneck |
HMS Zetland |
HMS Zulu 1909-1919 (HMS Zubian) |
HMT Syria |
Royal Navy - Troop Ships |
HMT Arcadian 1899-1917 |
HMT Assaye |
HMT Dongola |
HMT Empire Halladale |
HMT Empire Ken |
HMT Empire Medway |
HMT Empire Orwell |
HMT Lancashire |
HMT Neuralia |
HMT Plassy |
HMTS Rewa |
German Navy |
Konigin Luise |
SM Hulk Leipzig |
SM Kreuzer Gefion |
SM Linienschiff Westfalen |
SM Torpedoboot S178 |
SM Turbinenlinienschiff Kaiserin |
SMS Augsburg |
SMS Blucher |
SMS Deutschland |
SMS Goeben |
SMS Grosser Kurfurst |
SMS Helgoland |
SMS Hildebrandt |
SMS Konig Wilhelm |
SMS Luchs |
SMS Moltke |
SMS Seydlitz |
SMS Strassburg |
SMS Thuringen |
SMS Zahringen |
UC5 Minelayer |
Unterseeboot U118 |
Unterseeboot U7 |
Unterseeboot U9 |
US Navy |
USS Agamemnon |